Theatre for education
Working together, to encourage confidence, to nurture creativity, and have fun!
In addition to the productions, Polar Eclipse offers an education program working with school children of all ages by providing workshops, seminars, after show tours and talks.
We work in English. This way, the participants develop both creative as well as linguistic skills. However, we can also provide workshops in Swedish and, if your class is bilingual, in both! How do you want to use Theatre in Education? Contact us, and together we'll work out how best to cater for your specific needs: info@polareclipsetheatre.com
Theatre workshops
We strive to make our workshops inspiring. We want them to motivate and engage young audiences and to cement an understanding of theatre and the performing arts.
The workshops are lead by professions with a long experience of teaching directing and performing. We are happy to supply cv’s and recommendations.
Shakespeare workshops
We offer three specific Shakespeare workshops. Discovering his stories, working on a specific play and exploring he richness of his text.
We offer Shakespeare workshops for all ages and all levels and experience.
The Best Will in the World!
For our younger students, the workshops are centred on discovering the stories of Shakespeare; creating our own versions of stories such as Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. This is the perfect introduction to the Bard.
The Play’s the Thing!
For students who are studying a particular play and who want have a deeper understanding of the ways in which Shakespeare wrote his plays.
We offer text-based workshops; learning about the ways in which verse can add substance to the play and help the actor create character, atmosphere and emotion.
Words, Words, Words!
For actors and professionals who really want to get to grips with the Bard! How Shakespeare can help the actor through language and the power of his text. We look at:
Iambic Pentameter
Metre and rhythm
And of course, we can tailor make a workshop for your class.
Devising workshops
Making a brand new performance
Creating an original piece of theatre from your own stories and experiences or mythology and folklore.
Choosing costume, scenery and working on set and stage design.
Developing the skills for standing on stage and delivering a piece of theatre.
This is a perfect workshop for the English program. Bringing themes from your classes to life. Encouraging creativity, getting the imagination going as well as practicing your English.
We are able to offer half or full day workshops as required and can tailor make any of our workshops to your particular needs. Call us!
Towards Performance workshop
Let’s put on a show!
Working on texts you have already chosen and getting them ready for performance by exploring performing styles, text, costume, scenery and stage design. This is perfect for curriculum work. We will help you with the elements you need to present your play and enhance your course projects.
We are able to offer half or full day workshops as required and can tailor make any of our workshops to your particular needs.
An Introduction to Theatre workshop
This is an introduction to theatre, for those who have little or no knowledge of theatre or performance.
We introduce:
Theatre games
Team work
Ensemble work
Speaking aloud
Finding your voice
Trying out characters
Exploring ways of working together and performing
Taking space
Longer workshops can include a simple script to learn and perform
Practice and nurture presentation skills
We are able to offer half or full day workshops as required and can tailor make any of our workshops to your particular needs. Call us!